AMD propose la version 20.8.1 des drivers Adrenalin

Le constructeur AMD vient de dévoiler la version 20.8.1 des pilotes Adrenalin. Ces nouveaux drivers sont optimisés pour les jeux Hyper Scape, Horizon Zero Dawn et Grounded. Ils apportent également plusieurs correctifs comme on peut le voir ci-dessous.
Les drivers Adrenalin 20.8.1 sont disponibles en téléchargement sur le site d’AMD.
Liste des correctifs :
– With Radeon FreeSync enabled, task switching to another display or application may intermittently cause the desktop refresh rate to be locked to an arbitrary interval causing stuttering.
– Streaming and recording features are not working or are failing to enable on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products in Windows 7 system configurations.
– Radeon Software may experience an application crash or hang when waking from sleep after joining the AMD User Experience program.
– DOOM Eternal may experience a very dark or dim screen when changing V-Sync settings in game with HDR enabled.
– Hot plugging a powered off HDMI display and then powering on the display, may intermittently cause a system crash or hang.
– Enabling Instant Replay may rarely cause a system hang or TDR on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products.
– Compatibility Advisor may show an “Unable to get requirements” error message when opened. Users will need to perform a factory reset of settings in Radeon Software for this fix to take effect.
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