Les drivers AMD Adrenalin 20.3.1 sont également optimisés pour Doom Eternal

Après NVIDIA hier c’est maintenant au tour d’AMD de proposer des drivers optimisés pour le jeu Doom Eternal. Le fabricant précise d’ailleurs que les pilotes Adrenalin 20.3.1 offrent des performances 5% plus élevées en en jouant à Doom Eternal (paramètres Ultra Nightmare) avec une définition Full HD de 1920 x 1080 sur une carte graphique Radeon RX 5700XT. Les drivers Adrenalin 20.3.1 sont par ailleurs optimisés pour Half-Life : Alyx et pour Ghost Recon Breakpoint.
Les drivers Adrenalin 20.3.1 sont disponibles en téléchargement sur le site d’AMD.
A noter que les drivers apportent aussi plusieurs correctifs :
– Frame skipping or choppy audio may be experienced in videos captured using Radeon ReLive.
– Some games may experience stutter while using Instant Replay or third-party applications that stream or perform screen capture.
– Hotkeys may fail to apply to scenes in ReLive scene editor when the scene has a custom name.
– Webcam elements may fail to appear on screen when a custom location is set during ReLive recording.
– AMD A-Series/E-Series APU Processors will reflect older Radeon Software Adrenalin 2019 Edition Settings user interface.
– Zero RPM toggle may fail to reset or appear when disabling advanced fan tuning options in Performance Tuning.
– Radeon Software may automatically close when a live stream is started or stopped.
– Desktop cursor may intermittently remain visible after toggling Radeon Software’s overlay in some games.
– Red Dead Redemption 2 may experience a blank screen when launched using the Vulkan API.
– Radeon Software may experience an application crash, or a system TDR may occur, when VRAM reaches 8GB or more with HBCC enabled on Radeon RX Vega series graphics products.
– DOOM may experience an intermittent system hang or application crash during gameplay.
– Space Engineers may experience an application or hang during gameplay when Grass Density is turned on.
– A system hang or black screen may occur when exiting SteamVR with multi display system configurations.
– Monster Hunter World: Iceborne may have lower than expected performance in some areas of the game on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products.
– Video playback may exhibit corruption on Interlaced content in Movies and TV on Ryzen 3000 with Radeon Graphics Processors.
– PassMark may experience an application hang on some Ryzen with Radeon Graphics Processors.
– On Radeon RX Vega and older discrete GPUs and on APUs, enabling integer display scaling could result in a reduction of frame rate.
– Integer display scaling may not show up as available in Radeon Software on some GCN-based GPUs.
– The default hotkeys for recording and taking a screenshot with Radon ReLive have been updated. Recording is now ‘Ctrl + Shift + E’ by default and Screenshot is now ‘Ctrl + Shift + I’ by default.
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