Carte ABIT GeForce3 : la Siluro 3

Mon partenaire Alpha Hardware a mis la main sur les caractéristiques
complètes et très détaillées de la carte graphique GeForce3 conçue par ABIT : la Siluro 3.
Caractéristiques :
- nVidia GeForce 3 GPU
- nVidia 256-bit hi performance 3D and 3D accelerator engine equipped
- nfiniteFX engine for full programmability
- 3.2 billion samples per second full-scene anti-aliasing (FSAA) fill rate
- High-Resolution anti-aliasing (HRAA) produces the best visual quality an
performance for applications - Lightspeed memory architecture for unsurpassed game play speeds even in
the highest resolutions - AGP2x/4x Support / AGP texturing, fast writes support
- ntegratet 350 MHz RAMDAC, resolution up to 2048×1536 32 Bit Color @ 75Hz
- 64MB 128-bit interface DDR memory running at 460MHz
- 7,36GB/sec memory bandwidth
- 3rd-generation transorm and lightning (T&L) engines
- Complete support for DirectX 8.0, D3D and OpenGL 1.2
- DVI-Output for hight resolution display on digital monitors
Video-In/Out (en option) : - S-Video I/O Module. (S-Video to composite adapter cable bundled)
- Supports big-screen gaming, digital timeshifting VCR, and video-editing
applications. - Full version Ulead Video Studui 4.0 SE Video editing Software included
- Real-Time software MPEG II recording.
Lecture DVD : - Hight-fefinition Video Processor (HDTV) for Full-Screen Video playback of
720p and DVD resolution - Hardware color space conversion (YUV 4:2:2 and 4:2:0)
- Multiple video windows with hardware color space conversion and filtering,
Video acceleration for DirectShow MPEG-1, MPEG-2 - DVD sub-picture alpha blended composition
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