Qu’est-ce que le Mount-Rainier ?

Nos amis de
CDFreaks.com viennent
de publier un dossier consacré au Mount-Rainier. Si vous souhaitez de plus
amples informations concernant ce format de gravure, rendez-vous sur
page. N’oubliez pas de vous équiper de
Babelfish si
vous ne maîtrisez pas la langue de Shakespeare.
« Since
a couple of months now a new CD-RW format called Mount Rainier (CD-MRW) has
been introduced to make the usage of CD-ReWritable discs a lot easier. This
format has been mentioned a couple of times now on our site when we reviewed
the Mitsumi CR-480ATE and the TEAC CD-W540E for example.In this article we want to go a little bit deeper into what Mt. Rainier means
exactly and what its advantages are. We also want to show you some tests
comparing the two mentioned Mitsumi and TEAC writers that natively support
this format. First let’s start with a brief introduction covering the most
basic questions regarding Mt. Rainier. »
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