Tout savoir sur les protections des CD

Nos confrères de
CD Freaks viennent de
publier un article fort intéressant concernant les nouvelles protections dont
sont affublés certains CD. Un petit historique des anciennes protections est
également disponible, sans oublier les logiciels permettant d’effectuer leurs
sauvegardes, etc..
Pour consulter cet article en anglais rendez-vous sur
page. Si vous ne maîtrisez pas la langue de Shakespear n’hésitez pas à
utiliser BabelFish.
"The next generation copy
protections are not widely used yet, but they are gaining ground and there are
reasons to believe that they will once become mainstream. These new
protections make the current widely available copy protections child play, and
are much more sopisthicated. They are based on recognizing the physical
parameters/structure of a CD-R. Don’t fear, altough these protection are
better then anything we have seen before, making a backup seems still to be
possible. It just requires some more hassle. First we should explain how these
new protections seem to work."
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