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pour les kamikazes et suicidaires : IPB 2.0 alpha

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Please read the next few lines even if you skim the rest - it's very important.



This release is not suitable for a main production board, it is for testing only

This is a very late alpha/early beta build - expect a LOT of bugs

The instructions in the zip are WRONG - please read further down for more info

There are many sections left to complete and this release does not reflect the final build quality

There is NO upgrade path from 1.2 or 1.3 in this release

Do not start translations, the languages will be redone during the first few betas

By all means experiment in the skinning manager but remember that ALL the templates are to be redone and renamed so any work done now will not be saved.



Known Issues


The subscriptions manager does not work properly with 2.0.0 yet

Email notification / validation does not work properly with 2.0.0 yet

Trash can system does not work properly yet.


This is the first public release of Invision Power Board v2.0.0 and you should expect lots of bugs. If you find one, please CHECK FIRST to make sure it's not already been reported. If it's not, then please report it in the appropriate forums. We know about several IE style issues both on the board and in the ACP so there's no need to report those and we know about several ACP javascript errors so there's no need to report those. I used Mozilla to develop IPB and if you want a 'pure' experience, use Mozilla or firefox.


Please have fun with the new skinning system but be warned that the skinning templates and template bit names will be changed during the beta stage, skinning now should just be for fun - please don't expect any skins to work in later releases.


The same goes for languages, the system will change a little during the beta releases. Please don't get too involved in translations at this point.


In general, this is very much work in progress. Skins, languages, images, CSS, code and features are not final and there is much work to be done still including a final optimization and 'polish'. By that we mean that the quality of this beta is lower than you would expect in a final release.


The following features are still to be added:


Better ACP language system including skin-like inheritence system.

Better 'report post' management.

Better 'easy editing' mode for CSS

Better email notification of topics/subscriptions

(... and some other additional tweaks)




Installation is very easy. Simply upload all the files from the directory "upload" to your forum directory. Once the upload is complete, CHMOD the following files to 0777


- conf_global.php

- install

- lang

- skin_cache

- style_images

- uploads


Using your web browser, navigate your way into the install directory ( this will then start the installer.


NOTE!! Do not use the same database as your current main board with the same SQL table extension or your current board WILL BE DELETED


Have fun and thanks for taking the time to beta test our new product!



personnellement, je vais plutot attendre la finale :o (voire même une quinzaine de jours apres qu'elle soit sortie pour être bien sûr qu'elle fonctionne correctement)

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pour ceux qui veulent tester IPB 2.0 venez faire un tour sur le forum de Erwan. ;)

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